We Are Better
The Polk-Haralson Baptist Association currently consists of 60 local churches that desire to encourage and equip Churches and Pastors in fulfilling the Great Commission through cooperating together to make disciples who love God, love people, and make other disciples.
We believe that we are truly Better Together and choose to partner with each other to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We are about Christ and building His kingdom.
We are about helping Pastors make disciples.
We are about resourcing churches for ministry.
Kevin McKoy (Christy)
Mission Startegist
Bro. Kevin came to the PHBA as our AMS in August 2023.
Andy Horton (Laura)
Bro. Andy serves as the Pastor of Waco Baptist Church in Waco and currently serves as our Moderator.
Cindy Freyberg (Ian)
Administrative Assistant
Cindy has served our PHBA office and family for over 25 years.
Brian Crisp (Jennifer)
Asst. Moderator
Bro. Brian serves as the Pastor of Lime Branch Baptist Church in Cedartown and currently serves as our Asst. Moderator.
Office Address:
3662 Business 27 North, Buchanan, GA 30113
P.O.Box 625,
Buchanan, GA 30113